Additional Staffing, Salary + Benefits

The success of our students relies heavily on the teachers and staff of Parkview providing a quality education.

Parkview is committed to fostering and maintaining healthy, happy and engaged students and staff. To do this we must:

  • Retain and attract high-quality staff by offering competitive compensation and benefit packages. 

  • Increase Paraprofessionals to full-time positions with benefits

Educational Programming

Parkview’s mission is to provide a school that achieves excellence by supporting the academic, social and emotional well-being of all students through teaching, learning and instruction. To do this we must:

  • Restore and add staff that enhance academic course offerings such as technology education, business education, agriculture courses and family & consumer education.

  • Restore and add staff that provide increased social and emotional support, behavior interventions, small group counseling and the mental health issues that are occurring with our youngest learners. 

  • Hiring a Reading Specialist to work with students and teachers in the area of reading and successfully implement the new reading mandates. 


Technology Improvements

Students at Parkview each have access to technology that integrate curriculum material that provide learning experiences to succeed as competent global citizens.

These technologies need routinely maintained, updated and up to date subscriptions kept. To do this we must:

  • Update student and staff devices on a rotating basis

  • Sustain and maintain technology servers, copiers, and phones on a rotating basis


Facilities + Operations

Being good stewards of the tax payer's dollars by maintaining the facilities is important to the wellbeing of our students and staff. To do this we must:

  • Roof replacement section at the Jr./Sr. High School (old section)

  • Restore a Maintenance/Custodial staffing position to keep up with the demands at the Elementary, Jr. Sr. High and the Athletic fields/facilities. 

  • Restore one bus route (total of 10 routes)